Parts of my garden are doing much better now that the weather is warming up. My tomato plants, zucchini, and squash are starting to look pretty good. We are getting lots of zucchini.
Leona and I went to the Farmers Market at the Ferry Bldg in San Francisco this past Saturday. We like to look at all the nice vegetables, various foods to eat, and best of all, people watch. Here are a couple of pictures of how I wish my vegetables looked after picking. Unfortunately, mine look more like the previous post.
I seem to have some blossom end rot on my yellow squash. This picture shows one that looks pretty good and one that does not. I am assuming this is a "Blossom End Rot" condition. I know this problem can exist with tomatoes but I didn't know it also occurred on squash. Please let me know if anyone knows what else could be causing this condition.
Friday, June 18, 2010
For quite some time, Leona has been looking for an economical purchase of a new backyard patio set. Finally, she found one at Home Depot for only a couple of hundred dollars. (Some of these sets run over $2000). This is not necessarily a top of the line set, but it serves our needs quite well.
I planted 2 rows of green beans this weekend. They were Squirrel's Choice Blue Lake Bush Beans. In 50 - 65 days, we plan on eating fresh green beans. That's a few pole beans on this end of the picture.
This past week I hauled 2.5 yds of Medium Bark to spread over our backyard berm. After getting the first load, I realized I should have gotten Small Bark. The Medium actually looks like Large. Oh, well, it will break down over time. That's one good thing about working in the yard. Time will eventually fix all mistakes.
Once again, we planted one row of three vegetables - Squirrel's Choice Chantenay Red Cored carrots, Champion radishes, and Detroit Dark Red Table beets. We had previously planted an identical row of these same vegetables. We hope to extend the harvest by planting at different times.
While on our recent vacation in Texas, we had dinner with my nephew and after dinner we sat on the back porch and enjoyed watching the flames from their firepot. It creates quite the ambiance when added to good conversation and a glass of vino.
We just had to have one. We found this one at K-Mart.
This past weekend, Leona and I purchased two more plants that we really like. They were: Salvia microphylla "Hot Lips" - An open growing shrubby perennial sage to about 3" tall bearing striking white flowers that are half hot red. Color can change due to several factors, and be all white or all red. Sun, average soils, little summer water. Zone 7-24. Here is a picture of what they will look like full grown.