Monday, April 12, 2010

April 10 Planting - Con't

Three new plants for our flower garden - Scotch Broom, Peony, and Vinca Minor ground cover for the berm.

April 10 Planting

We planted our first garden bed this weekend.  We planted
three tomato plants - Big Beef, Early Girl, and Red Cherry.
We also added in one Zucchini plant and one Gold Rush
Summer Squash.  We didn't have very good luck last year
because we didn't fertilize enough.  I will not  make that
mistake this year.  If nothing else, I will kill them with kindness.
We needed to get this planting done this weekend because we
are leaving on vacation this coming Friday - gone for three

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello to all of you gardeners out there.  We want to share with you our successes and failures (we seem to have more of these) with our vegetable garden.  This will be our second season at this home.  But- we weren't blogging last year.  However, we will post a few pictures of last season so you can see what we had. 
So, here we go.

Here are a few pictures from last year.  I built these raised beds from 2 x 12 Redwood.  They are 4 ft x 8 ft. in size and we used Mushroom compost (basically horse/cow manure) for the beds.

Winter Swiss Chard

Winter Onions

Zuchinni and Pole Beans

Tomato Plants, Pepper Plant, and Beets